Monday, November 26, 2007

Recruitment Automation Tool - Resource Datamine

Resource Datamine is a recruitment automation software that can help your business achieve the efficiency it needs to thrive and succeed. With Resource Datamine, you get a solution to run your entire business, with no other software required. You will be able to manage recruitment functions, such as client tracking and resume parsing, via automation that promises increased speed and effectiveness.

Resource Datamine is an effective recruitment tool. Back-office functions like accounting and human resource management are handled with the same competence via Resource Datamine. Our staffing solution helps you optimize accounting operations with the automation of functions like payroll reporting, invoicing, and time and expense management. Human resource management is given the same treatment--you will be able to manage employee information like salary and vacation time, all from a single screen.

So, order now for this magic tool to automate the recruitment process of your organization .


Gracy Chawla said...


Unknown said...

this is a good information resource.

Unknown said...

I got good information from this blog.
Sincerely good efforts shown by Gracy.....